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 Now that you have written that attractive report, how are you

going to sell it? Perhaps you have already tried by placing a
carefully written classified or maybe a large display ad, then
waited for the postman to pile the flood of orders in your box.
What happened? The odds are 100 to 1 that you came up with a
couple of orders for all the time and effort. Why? You see
continuous ads, small ones and full page $4,000 ads in
newspapers, and magazines offering books and information. Many of
them are repeated over and over again by the same advertiser. You
know that they are making it or they could not continue to
advertise month after month. How are they making it when you
don't seem to have any luck?

By examining the operations of these successful people we find
that they use several simple and easy methods to produce
excessive profits in the Mail Order Book Selling Business. When
you know these methods and put them to work for yourself you will
find that you too have the opportunity to make big money in this

To start yourself on the road to success in writing your own
books and reports then selling them...Anytime and every time you
think of an idea or book title, write it down immediately.
Regardless of how idiotic it may appear to you at first, it could
be the ingredient you need to start you on the way to a fortune.
File your notes and look them over periodically. You put yourself
in a position whereby you have a good chance to come up with an
idea or a title that will be a real money-making "Blockbuster."

If you are writings are about your own experiences on an
inspirational or how-to subject, consider writing the book as
well as the ads that sell it, in the "first person". This gives
the reader the feeling he is getting personal communication and
is not just a number in a computer.

Many in Mail Order business, including ourselves, have indicated
that it is not a good policy and often a waste of time and money
to advertise in a general daily or weekly newspaper. This is true
under ordinary circumstances, but we find that when you have a
real "strong" title it pays to place conservative "test" ads in
the newspaper in order to learn the results quickly. However one
must keep extensive records in order to compare results and
determine if they may have a winner.

When tests indicate you have a winner, all that is left too do is
expand the advertising in the proper media and fill orders. It is
advisable to structure the price of your book so an offer will
stand an advertising expense of at least one-half of the selling
price. You need to spend this much for advertising in order to be

A 100% guarantee is a must in the book selling business. Not
everyone who purchases your book, regardless oh how "great" it
is, is going to benefit from it. There are always a few who will
want their money back. You must have a unique guarantee which
reassures them they haven't spent their money until they are
satisfied. This can be done in many different ways, such as
holding their checks for 30 days or longer before depositing

For the author/self-publisher, selling by mail is really the only
way to go. The production costs are low because the value is in
the information, not necessary in the number of pages written.
Mail Order is one of the finest businesses ever for the little
guy who wants the opportunity to try for  the big "bucks"! All
you have to do is test with just small expenditure, correct your
mistakes and let the business expand itself!

Action pictures used in your ads get fabulous results if handled
right. Especially productive are ideas showing your product in
action. Search out the drawings and pictures used in better ads
that run month after month to learn what effective copywriting is
all about, then use the same ideas for your comparative
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